I had not gotten to this yet in Letters. Grateful to read now and oh, your eight year old heart. She’s a keeper. The picture that hangs on my wall is of me being that age when I contained multitudes of magic. I sense that with you as well. No party line needed for you with God. You always had a direct line. Hmm, the electrical currents… that resonates, I’ll be feeling into it. In gratitude MB. Savor your day. 💜🪶

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Grateful to have you read, Joanie, always. Multitudes of magic. Have you written about that? If so I’d love to read it. If not, let me me know when it’s finished. :) The inspiration of the electrical currents is also a metaphor from about eight years ago when I had SVT, my heart would burst into beating furiously for a period of time and then stop. So I got the treatment for a day where the doc would start up the hard beating so he could close the pathways that the electrical current was trying for. I’m sure someone else could say it better. Had a wonder walk and talk with my daughter around the lake this morning. Have a lovely Maui day.

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